Bike Club

Ben has joined another club outside of School now, called Bike Club. It does exactly what the name suggests and is a Cycling club, whereby he has 5 sessions in the school grounds to help him get better at cycling. He has to take his bike and helmet for each session and they practice different manoeuvres. In his first session, the instructor was getting all 12 of them to cycle in a figure of 8 around some cones – that made for very interesting viewing and there were even a couple of crashes!

He hadn’t ridden his bike properly for several months, so the seat had to be adjusted for him and the tyres pumped up. He started off a bit shakily, but once he got into it again, he was bombing around, although he does need to use his brakes a little more! (He nearly crashed into a fella in front of him at one stage! 😉 )

Ben enjoyed the 1st session of this and is looking forward to the next one on Saturday.

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