
Unfortunately, since Ben has been back at school, he has started to be bullied by two boys called Keanu and Aleks to the point where he has burst out crying in front of Kelly and has been quite upset about it at home. We have obviously not been happy about this and have seen both Ben’s teacher and the Head Master who have apologised and said they would get to the bottom of it immediately. The day after the initial bullying was fine as the two boys were kept in (the bullying was taking place on the playground) but the next day, when they were let out again, they started hitting and slapping Ben again and actually got him over and dragged him through some mud! He was completely lagged (which is when Kelly went straight to the Head Master). Since then, there has been an incident where one of the boys was spotted trying to antagonise Ben, but the teacher got to him in time and sent him indoors. Fingers crossed, it has all gone quiet now and it has been sorted. We are very proud of Ben for not retaliating, as with his Karate training, he probably could have knocked them for six if he wanted to! I did mention it to his Karate Sensei the other night, so he has given Ben some advice and has also said he will do a reminder session about using Karate specifically for self-defence, which I thought was good of him.

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