Tavy 7 Fun Run 2019

At the end of October, we all took part in the Tavy 7 race on Dartmoor. I ran the full 7 mile race, Ben and Aaron did a 1.78 mile fun run and Coby and Kelly did a 0.8 mile fun run.  We all completed the course and got a medal, except for Kelly as she was just accompanying Coby as he was too young to compete on his own, which was a shame really. The boys enjoyed it and had fun and were even more happy to get some cake and a drink (a cup of tea in Coby’s case!) after their races whilst they were waiting for me to finish.  All of the boys took their medals into school to be presented with them during assembly.

Tavy 7 2019

Tavy 7 2019

Tavy 7 2019

Tavy 7 2019

Tavy 7 2019

Tavy 7 2019

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