November Update

Well, Ben is growing up quickly now!

His speech has come on leaps and bounds over the past few weeks.  He can now say ‘Daddy’ correctly but still calls me ‘Simon’ and ‘Si’ occasionally when he want to be cheeky!  I must admit I do miss it when he couldn’t say ‘Daddy’ properly and said something like ‘Gaddin’ instead.  Other than this, he is now stringing several words together and is close to saying whole sentences now.  He can almost count to ten and knows some of the letters of the alphabet.

This past couple of days, he has now started to talk on the mobile phone to me.  It was lovely to hear him speak to me via the phone and he sounded so cute! 😉  Apparently, he wanted to speak to me down the phone after Kelly had spoken to me first.  Now we just need him to talk to others!

He loves going to Playgroup on a Friday morning and has already made me a Christmas card, and when I got home from work, he made sure he told me all about it!

He always asks, every day, to go for a ride in the car.  He is obsessed with it! haha A couple of weeks ago, I took Ben out shopping for Christmas presents and we both enjoyed it, although he was a bit naughty in the shop.  This was the first time Ben and I had been out shopping on our own.

He is very independent and wants to do everything himself and is obsessed with the hoover which he calls something like ‘wonna’.  Not sure where he has got that from! He also sits down like an old man with a cup of tea and a biscuit to watch the catch up of X-Factor on a Monday morning with his Mummy, and he also likes Eastenders apparently.  But more importantly, he likes football, snooker, darts and motor racing and cheers for Everton all the time.  Another Evertonian in the making I think!

We put a little Christmas tree up in his room with some lights over the past weekend and he loved it, so he is going to go crazy when we put the rest of the decorations up.

Finally, he is also convinced that the new baby will be a girl!  So we will see.

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