Baby Ben

Finally, the baby was born at 19:09 on Wednesday 1st October, and it was a little boy.  He weighed in at 7lb 4oz, has dark hair and blue eyes, and arrived sucking his thumb! 😉  The only problem with that was that it caused some problems with Kelly, who lost a lot of blood and had to go up to theatre to have a few things done.  I am glad to say that everything went fine in theatre, and she is now recovering on a ward in Derriford Hospital.

Well…..labour started at 2:00am in the morning, and we went to the hospital (via Mum) at about 520am, when the pain got too much for Kelly.  Kelly was examined within the hour and she was already 5cm dilated, so ourselves and the mid-wife thought the baby would be out within a few hours. No such luck!! 😉

It got to the stage where she was stuck at 7cm, so had to be put on a drip with a drug that helped increase the length and strength of the contractions.  So finally, she was fully dilated at about 1820pm after several hours of drugs, gas and air due to really painful contractions!

After a while pushing as hard as she could, little Ben arrived on the scene and started crying straight away, which was a very good sign.  He soon settled down and breast fed almost immediately, which was fantastic, as it usually takes a while for this to happen.  But, unfortunately, Ben came out sucking his thumb which caused some tearing in Kelly.  So she had to be taken up to theatre to get sorted out, so I was left getting to know Ben.  This was the first time in the whole day that I managed to get to a phone as well, and let the family know what was going on.  Everyone was very excited as you can probably imagine. 😉

By about 22:45, Kelly was out of theatre and was in the recovery unit, so Ben and I were taken to be with her.  She told me that everything went very well, but she would have to stay in hospital for a few days as she couldn’t walk or even move much.

We eventually got taken up to the Norfolk Ward which is where all the new Mum’s are taken when they have a baby.  By this time it was nearly midnight, and I wasn’t allowed to stay for very long.  So I said my ‘goodbyes’ to Mum and Son and was taken home by Darren and Marina.

What a long day, but I am very VERY proud of Kelly for everything she went through (and is still going through whilst writing this!).  And I am also proud to have a Son called ‘Ben.’  He is very cute and cuddly, and I love him to bits already! 😉

Here are some pics of the little rascal, and Evertonian to be –

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One Response to “Baby Ben”

  1. I am a very, very proud and happy grandma! What a beautiful baby boy he is! I am sure he will have a very happy and contented life with wonderful parents who, together, will love and cherish him unconditionally.

    His Great Grandpa and Great Gran are also thrilled (and emotional), and we all send our fondest love to Simon, Kelly and Baby Ben.

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