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Yesterday, Tuesday 20th January, Ben rolled onto his side for the first time on his own! Once he could do it he couldn’t stop, he kept rolling from his side to his back and he actually ended up doing a full circle on his play mat! He’s so clever, theres no stopping him now.
Well Ben turned 3 months old on 1st January 2009, although he was actually 13 weeks then! We can officially say he was born last year. Not really sure where the last 3 months have gone. Ben was last weighed on Friday 9th January and he weighed 15lb 2oz so he is doing really well […]
We can’t believe it was his 1st Christmas already! The time has flown since he was born and he has grown so much. As he was only 2 1/2 months old over Christmas he still wasn’t very aware of what was going on, even though he had the most presents. The day did seems to […]
Ben was a very brave boy and hardly cried at all. As before, he had to have jabs in both legs, which caused a bit of bleeding but nothing too serious. He hardly cried at all which was brilliant of him, although the areas where the jabs were done were a bit tender for the […]