Ben’s 1st Birthday
It was Ben’s 1st birthday on 1st October 2009. Neither myself or Kelly can believe it has been a whole year since he was born! The time has flown by and the difference in Ben from when he was born up to now is crazy. He has grown so much and is very clever.
We took him to JUMP! during the morning (I had the day off work) after he had opened his presents and cards, which he enjoyed. The rest of the day he played with his new toys and was so excited by it all he wouldn’t go to sleep properly in the afternoon. Luckily, he was so tired in the evening that he went to bed with no problems (for a change!) and slept quite well during the night. All in all, we think Ben had a very good and happy 1st birthday, and so did we!
- Ben not sure what to do with his presents.
- All the presents on the floor and Ben more interested in a balloon.
- The Iggle Piggy Birthday cake that Kelly made.
- Ben unwrapping a present.
- Ben with his new building blocks.
- A very noisy present.
- Daddy and Ben at Jump! going through a tunnel.
- Ben playing with his new toys.
- Shall I go in the ball pool or not?
- Ben the builder.
- Ben with some younger children’s toys at Jump!
- Ben stood up against a wooden interactive toy.