Ben's 2nd Christmas and New Year
Unbelievable, this Christmas and New Year just gone, marked Ben’s second Christmas and New Year. Where has the time gone? It seems only a few weeks ago he was a little baby, unable to move around on his own, unable to eat solid food and unable to talk/babble. Crazy!
Unfortunately, Ben was ill throughout the festive season this year with a bad cold, then sickness and then a bad cough. The initial cold started before Christmas and we thought it had passed until a couple of days before Christmas when he started to cough and have a sickness bug. It was a real shame as on Christmas Day he was particularly bad. He didn’t eat hardly at all, although he did have a few mouthfuls of Roast Turkey!
When he first got up in the morning he was quite excited with opening his presents that were in his stocking, so he opened a few of those on his own and played with what he had got. We then dressed him up and opened the rest up downstairs, which is when he started to get tired again. We managed to open a few main presents before he went for a nap, but when he came down he was promptly sick all over me, so we both had to be cleaned off before we could carry on. He was still a little excited about his presents, but you could tell he wasn’t feeling very well. He did play with every present he opened though, and seemed happy enough with them! So thank you to everyone that gave him a present this year!
Here are a few pics from Christmas Day…..
- Ben opening his stocking presents
- Ben getting his presents out of his stocking
- Ben in his vest opening a pressie
- Daddy helping Ben open a larger present
- Ben with his new Sticklebrick
- Ben with his new toy dog by the Christmas Tree
- Having our Roast Turkey
- Ben with his new Xylophone
- Ben with a very big present
- Ben in his new Dressing Gown
For New Year we didn’t do anything as Ben was still ill with a very bad cough and still not eating properly. By this time we had rung the doctors (on Christmas Day in fact) and he had lost about 6lbs which wasn’t very good. Kelly was also ill by now, so everything turned into a bit of an anti-climax in the end. Saying that though, we did enjoy ourselves most of the time and we are now hoping for an illness free Christmas and New Year next year. Fingers crossed!!