Christmas 2012

After about a month of Ben getting more and more excited, Christmas finally arrived and guess what?? He slept in on Christmas morning again so I ended up having to go in and wake him up at 7am!  Once he woke he got very excited especially when he saw his stocking brimming with presents at the bottom of his bed. So Father Christmas did think he had been a good boy during the year – even though he had had his moments!  (Several of them actually!!).

He dragged his stocking in to our room, with Aaron and his stocking in tow (Aaron slept in as well but woke up the same time as Ben) and proceeded to rip into his presents – having great fun in the process. His excitement built and built and he had to be told to calm down on several occasions, which he did until we had opened all the stocking presents, forced them back into the stocking and went downstairs to see what, if anything, had been left under the tree.

I don’t think Ben could believe his eyes as there were stacks of presents for him and Aaron.  He tried to dive straight in again, but we told him to hang on until we got a drink. Ben and Aaron were both eating chocolate that they had had in their stockings by now, so they didn’t want any proper breakfast!

Once we were watered, we started opening the presents. We tried to take turns but Ben and Aaron were far too excited for that so they were practically opening presents at the same time, although Aaron seemed to want to have Ben’s presents and not his! 😉 It took several hours to finish opening them all and by the end of it, both Ben and Aaron had loads of presents and didn’t want to sit down and have their Christmas dinner as they just wanted to play with them all. Ben ended up not eating much as usual (he doesn’t seem keen on a roast at any time) although he had his starters of bread and butter I think.  Ben then played with his presents all afternoon and spoke to family members on the laptop and showed them as many of his presents as he could (via the video feed).

By the time it was bedtime, he was shattered though it was a struggle to get him to go to bed as he still just wanted to play. But we told him he had to as we were visiting relatives the following day where he would get even more presents.  Not sure if this helped or got him even more excited! In the end he went to sleep after having a great Christmas Day!!

Some of the presents that he had were new clothes, Doggy Doo game, Total Action Football game, a truck with a screwdriver that you can take apart, a chalk and magnetic easel (which was for both of them), a pirate ship and castle (for both of them), lots of chocolate, a Spider-Man set, Spider-Man book and stencils, Peppa Pig drawing book, some new books and much, much more. He loved everything he got so thanks to everyone that bought him a present! 😉

Here are some photographs of Christmas Day and ‘the Night Before Christmas’.

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