Last Balanceability Lesson and 1st Cycle At Mount Batten
For 6 weeks, we had paid money for Ben to go to ‘Balanceability’ lessons at school. These lessons were to help him to ride a bike, and were within school time.
Before he started these lessons, he couldn’t ride his bike, or even balance on it. He also even struggled to sit on it! We had been out a couple of times with him to try and teach him, but then we had a letter back from School about these balanceability lessons. We thought for £24, it wouldn’t hurt at all, as we thought they would help him get used to a bike. We certainly didn’t think that by the time he got to his final lesson, he could actually ride his bike!! But he could!!
For the final lesson, parents were invited in to watch, so Kelly went along with Aaron and Coby (unfortunately I had to work as I had been off ill for a few days beforehand). Kelly was amazed at what she saw and took some videos of him!! Ben was cycling with no problem at all, and not slowly either, he was bombing around apparently!
We are so pleased with this and so glad that we paid the money for these lessons! Ben is very happy as well as he can now ride a bike and wants to go out with me on Drake’s Trail at some point soon! He also got a certificate at the end of the course, which was presented to him in assembly the following week.
A few days after his last lesson, we went up to Mount Batten so Ben could show me how he can ride his bike. I had already seen the videos that Kelly took of his last lesson, so I was looking forward to seeing him cycle. Mount Batten was an ideal place as the long pier gave him plenty of room to cycle around.
When he started to cycle there, I was very impressed as well. He had absolutely no problems at all and was zooming up and down the pier! He was also doing pretty sharp turns at a pretty fast speed which was a bit worrying to begin with, but he was having no problems doing it at all!
Suffice to say, we are both very proud of him and still can’t really believe that he can cycle so well after only 6 lessons! They were only 45 minutes each as well and not one-to-one, which made it more incredible to us! We now just need to go out plenty of times to keep him going! 😉