3 Little Footballers

Last Tuesday, Ben got a bit of a surprise in assembly when he was awarded a very special certificate which not many students get – the Celebration certificate. This certificate is only given out to students who have been outstanding during the year and Ben’s teacher, Miss Hastie, obviously thought that he was deserving of […]
A few weeks ago, Ben had his class assembly. This year he had quite a few words to say, in fact, it was two long sentences! He did really well and spoke loudly and clearly so everyone could hear him. He also played the Ocarina, along with the rest of his class, and showed some […]
Last Friday was the Summer Fayre at the boys’ school. We went for a couple of hours with Grandma and Ben had a great time. He won several packs of sweets and chocolate from various stalls, and also the odd toy! We had pizza there, that was provided by Papa Johns, which was very nice! […]
Last Saturday, the Bickleigh Buddies took part in a PAFC Football Tournament at Goals, which is where they play on a Friday evening. Unfortunately, it was a horrible morning weather wise as it didn’t stop drizzling and being foggy between 10 and 12 when the tournament took place. However, that didn’t stop Ben from having […]