Christmas Day 2017

Christmas Day this year got off to a rocky start as Aaron and Ben were caught downstairs at 6:05am. Apparently, Aaron was ‘too excited’ to not go down to take a look to see if Father Christmas had come and left lots of presents, so he went down stairs before 6am and had a good look around and even turned the kitchen light on and picked up the key for Father Christmas to get in from by the front door and put it on the kitchen side. He had also had a look at several of the presents and knew who most of them were for and had counted some pencils that Father Christmas had left around the presents for them. I had thought I heard a noise downstairs as well but I thought it wasn’t the boys and was perhaps the heating instead, as they know full well that we all go downstairs together, after opening the presents in our stockings upstairs first. I couldn’t believe it when I saw Aaron and Ben creeping back up the stairs when I went to investigate. I was quite mad and so was Kelly! So they were sent back to their beds as it was even too early for me, and Coby was still fast asleep. Aaron ended up crying but it was apparently him who went down and then came back up and got Ben, who should have known better though, to go down again with him. Naughty boys!

We eventually allowed them out of bed at about 6:45am, as they had somehow woken Coby up by now. Kelly had already been down and put the Turkey on as it was so big it would take 5 hours to cook! Yum! So everyone came into our bedroom and we opened our presents in our stockings. The boys had some good stuff. Ben had some clothes, lots of chocolate, some new books inc an Ant Man book and a ‘How to be a superhero’ book, a crystal growing kit, Uno (card version), Match 2018 annual and some other great bits and pieces. Aaron had a Spider-Man book, Cars 3 2018 annual, clothes, lots of chocolate, a new Hot Wheel Monster Truck car, a gold panning kit, Cars 3 Top Trumps, a smelly Alien book and other items. Coby had some nice clothes and lots of chocolate, a PJ Masks book, a dinosaur book and soft toy, a PJ Masks little mug, a dinosaur in an egg kit where he had to get it out, a PJ Masks 2018 annual, a little squidgy PJ Masks figure and lots of other nice things. They were all very happy with what they got in their stocking and were tucking into the chocolate and sweets already!

We then went downstairs had saw the huge amount of presents under the tree that Father Christmas had left. Coby was amazed but the other two had seen them already so were quite sheepish! We had our usual shortbread biscuits for breakfast (which we always do on Christmas Day) and started opening the presents. It took us about 3 hours to open everything as we did have to stop for the occasional phone call and for Kelly to put things in and out of the cooker for our Turkey dinner. We all thought that it was smelling lovely!

Everyone got some really nice presents and the boys were so excited (especially Aaron) but mostly well behaved. Kelly and I were quite surprised at how calm Coby was, although he did want to open every present up and take a proper look when he got them, but we had to keep telling him to hold on until all the presents had been opened. All the boys got some roller skates from Father Christmas, which is what they all asked for, and some knee and elbow pads (apart from Coby who had some already). They also got a remote control helicopter for Ben, 3D Qixels for Aaron and a PJ Masks backpack for Coby from Father Christmas.  We then cracked into our main presents, which were piled high under and around the tree.  The other presents that Ben got were Battlebots, Harry Potter Top Trumps game, some more books, some clothes, a Volcano kit, Harry Potter Top Trumps (different to the game), some Lego, Roald Dahl DVD, Ghost Hunt game, a Saltrock hoody and some others. Aaron got a Playmobil Police Van, a Mega Garage, Buggaloop game, Everton T-Shirt, more clothes and sweets, a flying Minion, Soggy Doggy game and a Minion dressing gown. Coby got a toy BBQ set, a Robo Turtle, Magic Trax, a PJ Masks Innotab game, Everton T-Shirt, more clothes, a Batman remote control car, a Don’t Drop Chase game and a massive wooden train set. They all loved their presents!

We managed to open everything before sitting down to a lovely Roast Turkey with starters and dessert. The boys scoffed quite a lot (as it was so nice!) and then went and played with their toys, whilst Kelly and I sat down to watch the annual Top Of The Pops show on TV (recorded). We played with the boys for the rest of the afternoon before speaking to Grandma, Uncle Darren and Aunty Marina on the laptop. The boys then had some tea, as they were somehow hungry, before playing for a little while more before bedtime. They all went up just after 7pm as they were all tired out, especially Ben and Aaron due to them getting up so early! Kelly and I then relaxed and had some cold meat for supper before heading off to bed ourselves.

It had been a really good Christmas Day, once the issues in the morning had been forgotten about. Everyone had really great presents and lots of things to look at and play with over the rest of the Christmas period.

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