Party Of 5

On Tuesday, it was Ben’s parents evening, so Kelly and I went in to speak to his teacher, Miss Bowyer. Suffice to say, she was extremely happy with Ben and told us he is actually in the progress of hitting Year 2 targets already, and he is only in Year 1! She said that he […]
Ben had his second Karate lesson this week and he really enjoyed it – and there were no tears this time either! 😉 He did very well and was spa’ing (?) with his friend Austin and accidently hit him in the face! They were both laughing apparently, thank goodness. He did so well that he […]
Ben has been asking to learn Karate for a few weeks now, as his friend at School, Austin, also goes, so we signed him up at the local Woolwell centre and last night he had his first lesson from 17:30 to 1830. Kelly went with him, as she had signed him up and knew all […]
Today, we went to see Ben get his bronze merit award, as he had reached 10 merits. He had already received all the merit awards he could (40), so the school reset him back to 0, so he could try and get them all again. It hasn’t taken him very long to get to 10 […]