Flu Vaccination
Ben had his flu vaccination spray up his nose the other day at school and didn’t mind it at all! I was quite surprised at this really as I don’t like anything like that going up my nose, but well done Ben.

Ben had his flu vaccination spray up his nose the other day at school and didn’t mind it at all! I was quite surprised at this really as I don’t like anything like that going up my nose, but well done Ben.
For my birthday this year, I decided to spend my money on taking us all to the Harry Potter Studio tour near Hemel Hempstead, as we all love Harry Potter! 😉 We traveled up on the Friday, straight from school, and stopped half way to have homemade pasties in the car. Whilst we all went […]
Ben hasn’t been to swimming for several weeks now as the leisure centre had a major maintenance issue and had to close. Hopefully this won’t stop him from enjoying it as he has nearly completed stage 4 now! So hopefully, when it re-opens, it will only be a few weeks until he completes the stage. […]
Ben has given up Karate for the time being as he has lost interest in it. I think the cause was the last grading when he got really worried and upset about it. Its a shame as he has done really well so far to become a Blue Belt but he can always start again […]
Before the half term holiday, Ben joined a couple of clubs at school. The first was Games club (board games) during Monday lunch breaks and the other was Art club which was after school on a Thursday until 4pm. I think he missed the games club on a Monday for a few weeks as it […]