Dodgeball Club at School
Last week, Ben signed up for Dodgeball Club at school that takes place on a Wednesday after school for an hour. He has done it for 2 weeks so far and is really enjoying it, although he is coming home very sweaty! 😉

Last week, Ben signed up for Dodgeball Club at school that takes place on a Wednesday after school for an hour. He has done it for 2 weeks so far and is really enjoying it, although he is coming home very sweaty! 😉
Over the August Bank Holiday weekend, we camped at Diggerland in Devon for the 3 nights. We couldn’t have picked a better weekend weather-wise either, as it was roasting throughout though not quite as hot as when we camped at Monkey Tree. We all had a great time and enjoyed every minute. When we first […]
During the holidays, we went up to Paignton on a Saturday as there was a Sci-Fi show on the green by the sea. It was brilliant but very busy! The traffic to get into Paignton was ridiculous and we were very lucky to get into the car park. By the time we had parked and […]
A couple of weeks ago, just before School started again, Kelly took all of the boys to a Plymouth Argyle open training session, along with some of their friends and parents. They got to see the players training and they all wore their football kits – Ben even wore his brand new football boots! The […]
During the summer holidays, Ben went to the cinema with Mummy to watch The Emoji Movie. Ben really enjoyed the film and the evening with just Mummy. 😉