Man of the Match at Football
Last Friday, Ben was awarded the Man of the Match trophy by their coach Jordi. He was very pleased about it and took it in to school on Wednesday to have it presented to him during the morning assembly.

Last Friday, Ben was awarded the Man of the Match trophy by their coach Jordi. He was very pleased about it and took it in to school on Wednesday to have it presented to him during the morning assembly.
This week, Ben got his 3rd Head Teacher’s award, so we went to assembly and saw him get presented with it by Mrs Conday. Well done Ben! X
On the same day as the music festival, Ben had parents evening. We weren’t sure what to expect really as we had heard conflicting stories about his teacher and some issues that they have in class, e.g. if anyone gets their spellings wrong, they all miss their play time. Other parents have also said that […]
Last Wednesday was the school music festival. During the hour that we attended, Ben had to play the Ocarina and Recorder. He played the Ocarina in his school club that he goes to and did very well. I don’t think either Kelly or I have heard anyone play the Ocarina before, so it was interesting. […]
Ben’s final front tooth came out this morning on the way to School. It had been loose for the past few days, to such an extent that we were actually worried it would fall out in his sleep and that he would swallow it! Luckily, that didn’t happen and it fell out whilst he was […]