Activate Football Team
Unfortunately, Ben didn’t get in to the Activate team as a lad who left last Summer wanted to rejoin, so they gave the place to him. Not really impressed with that but we will look around at other teams now.

Unfortunately, Ben didn’t get in to the Activate team as a lad who left last Summer wanted to rejoin, so they gave the place to him. Not really impressed with that but we will look around at other teams now.
Ben had parents evening before the Easter holidays started and we saw his Maths and English teacher, Mr Stein. He said he was very happy with Ben and that he is doing well and in his last Maths test he got 39 / 50 which is apparently very good as they hadn’t even learnt some […]
On Wednesday, Ben had a dentist check up. It went very well and the dentist was happy with his teeth but did say he will need a brace and 4 teeth out due to the lack of space in his mouth. However, they now wait until they are about 12 years old to do this […]
This week, Ben reached enough merits for another Headteachers Merit Certificate. I have lost count how many this is now but must be his 4th or 5th! It shows how well he is doing so long may it continue! We went to see him get it on Wednesday during assembly.
On a Monday evening, Ben is now training with the Activate Under 10’s team at GOALS. We spotted them advertising for new players of their new 9 a side team that starts playing in September so Kelly contacted them and Ben was invited along. He did very well during the training as it was PROPER […]