World Book Day
Today is World Book Day so Ben went to School dressed as Harry Potter, complete with wand! 😉

Today is World Book Day so Ben went to School dressed as Harry Potter, complete with wand! 😉
This term, Ben has been carrying on with Netball Club on a Wednesday, Running Club on a Friday (as he has entered the School’s Challenge Half Marathon which he competed in last year) and also a new club which is Film Club on a Thursday. He is getting on very well with Netball and Running […]
Since Christmas, we have all been to the cinema a couple of times. All three of the boys love going to the cinema and we have been lucky that there have been some good family films out! Just after New Year, we went to see the new animated version of The Grinch, which was good, […]
The week after his Netball tournament, Ben had his certificates given to him during assembly. Kelly and I both went to see as he also had his swimming certificate presented to him. Here are some pics.
A few weeks ago at Swimming, we turned up expecting to do a normal lesson but his Swim Teacher Jess, got Ben and the group to do the next distance badge, which was meant to be 400m, but as the children all did that pretty easily, she said they could carry on and do 600m. […]