Year 5 Teacher
In year 5, Ben will have Mr Burke. He is apparently quite strict so hopefully he will keep them in line! 😉 Ben was happy with this, which is good.

In year 5, Ben will have Mr Burke. He is apparently quite strict so hopefully he will keep them in line! 😉 Ben was happy with this, which is good.
The weekend before last, we went camping at Whitehill Country Park which is just outside of Paignton, with Alex, Josh, Caleb and Sophia. The place was great and the weather was awesome! I had the day off work so Kelly and I arrived for 12pm (when we could setup on the pitch) and got the […]
For the first time, Ben was a lot more interested in the World Cup this year, especially as England made it to the semi-finals! He stayed up and watched most of the games with me although he did prefer to watch the Q/F with his friend instead of me, which was a little upsetting. Though […]
Last Thursday at football, Ben scored a hat trick for the first time in his training match. He was very excited and thrilled about this with one of his goals coming when he was in goal by kicking it so hard it missed everyone else and went in the other end! 😉 He got given […]
This morning, Ben received his next silver merit award. Kelly went to see him as I had to work. He is doing very well at school and is always getting loads of merits, which is why he is always getting the certificates! 😉