Certificate Assembly
Here is a pic of Ben getting his certificates at assembly in school for a Cross Country event and his School Values afternoon at the Life Centre. 😉

Here is a pic of Ben getting his certificates at assembly in school for a Cross Country event and his School Values afternoon at the Life Centre. 😉
The second cross country school event that Ben took part in was at Eggbuckland school. As it was after school, I was able to leave work a little earlier to go and watch him. He did very well and came 24th out of about 60 in the boys race for his age, which was very […]
Yesterday, Ben took part in the first Cross Country event of the term at Plymbridge Meadows. He did extremely well and ended up 14th out of about 60 children in his race! Awesome! Bickleigh School won the overall championship in all the age groups as well, so it was a great first event for him. […]
Last Friday, Ben trialled for the Year 6 school cross country team and got in! Awesome! It means he now has to go to several events during school time which means Kelly will have to drive him around as the school don’t have a mini bus and not all of the children can fit in […]