Silver Merit Award
This morning, Ben received his next silver merit award. Kelly went to see him as I had to work. He is doing very well at school and is always getting loads of merits, which is why he is always getting the certificates! 😉

This morning, Ben received his next silver merit award. Kelly went to see him as I had to work. He is doing very well at school and is always getting loads of merits, which is why he is always getting the certificates! 😉
On Wednesday, Ben received another Gold merit award in assembly, which we think is his 4th one now. It means he has clocked the merit awards nearly 4 complete times since he started school, and shows that he is doing very well, so keep up the good work! 😉
This morning in assembly, Ben received his Man Of The Match trophy from last Thursday, and also another Silver Merit Award. I think this must be his 4th Silver Merit Award so he is doing very well. The deputy head teacher, Mrs Conday, congratulated him on his efforts and told him to keep up the […]
At the last week’s training session for football, all the boys were given a nice little medal to make sure they kept up the good work and to reward them for training really well since we started up with the District Sports training at Marjons. The coach handed them all out to the boys after […]
Yesterday morning was Ben’s year 3 assembly where he had to read out a fairly long couple of paragraphs on what they did when they visited Tesco a few weeks ago, to learn about produce, etc. He did very well reading, though we could hardly hear him at the back and he had a slight […]