Year 3 Assembly and Swimming Certificate Award

Yesterday morning was Ben’s year 3 assembly where he had to read out a fairly long couple of paragraphs on what they did when they visited Tesco a few weeks ago, to learn about produce, etc. He did very well reading, though we could hardly hear him at the back and he had a slight […]

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3rd Head Teachers Award

This week, Ben got his 3rd Head Teacher’s award, so we went to assembly and saw him get presented with it by Mrs Conday. Well done Ben! X

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Independent Reading Award

Today, Ben got a certificate for his Independent Reading as he is doing really well with it.

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Merit Awards

Since the start of term, Ben has managed to get his Silver and Gold merit awards.  I think this is the 3rd or 4th time he has got them now, as when they reach the highest, which is the Headmaster’s Award, they start again from Bronze and work their way back up. Well done Ben!

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Celebration Award

Last Tuesday, Ben got a bit of a surprise in assembly when he was awarded a very special certificate which not many students get – the Celebration certificate.  This certificate is only given out to students who have been outstanding during the year and Ben’s teacher, Miss Hastie, obviously thought that he was deserving of […]

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