Dodgeball Club at School
Last week, Ben signed up for Dodgeball Club at school that takes place on a Wednesday after school for an hour. He has done it for 2 weeks so far and is really enjoying it, although he is coming home very sweaty! 😉
Last week, Ben signed up for Dodgeball Club at school that takes place on a Wednesday after school for an hour. He has done it for 2 weeks so far and is really enjoying it, although he is coming home very sweaty! 😉
At the last week’s training session for football, all the boys were given a nice little medal to make sure they kept up the good work and to reward them for training really well since we started up with the District Sports training at Marjons. The coach handed them all out to the boys after […]
Last week, Ben finally had his Sports Day. It was rained off the first day and then the second date that the school had pencilled in ended up clashing with the year 6 induction day’s at their secondary schools! Good planning by the school. Not! So it finally went ahead a week and half later […]
In Ben’s class, they have a mascot called ‘Ratty’ who is basically a rat puppet. All the children are allowed to take him home for a weekend, along with a diary to fill in. You then have to write about what Ratty gets up to during his stay with you. This last weekend, Ben had […]
On Wednesday, during assembly, Ben got a certificate and badge for completing 30 hours of activities outside of school. It was for the Children’s University initiative to try and get children doing stuff outside of school. Ben had been taking it to football training and other clubs (out of hours school clubs) and getting it […]