Bronze Merit Award
Last month, Ben got his bronze merit award for the 4th time! He is doing very well and clocking the merit awards 4 times is amazing! 😉 Well done, Ben! Keep it up!
Last month, Ben got his bronze merit award for the 4th time! He is doing very well and clocking the merit awards 4 times is amazing! 😉 Well done, Ben! Keep it up!
Yesterday morning was Ben’s year 3 assembly where he had to read out a fairly long couple of paragraphs on what they did when they visited Tesco a few weeks ago, to learn about produce, etc. He did very well reading, though we could hardly hear him at the back and he had a slight […]
This week, Ben got his 3rd Head Teacher’s award, so we went to assembly and saw him get presented with it by Mrs Conday. Well done Ben! X
Yesterday, Ben had his last school swimming lesson. That term has gone quick! Instead of doing some proper lessons, they were allowed to play on the water slide and the floats there, so Ben really enjoyed it. He did come home with an awful rash on his stomach though which made him cry quite a […]
On the same day as the music festival, Ben had parents evening. We weren’t sure what to expect really as we had heard conflicting stories about his teacher and some issues that they have in class, e.g. if anyone gets their spellings wrong, they all miss their play time. Other parents have also said that […]