Stage 5 Swimming Awards Assembly

Yesterday Ben was presented with his swimming certificate by the headteacher.

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Year 4 Ready Reader Certificate

Last week, we went into assembly to see Ben get an accelerated reader certificate. This shows that he is doing very well with reading at school and the certificate is to reward them at certain levels. He was very pleased to receive it. 😉

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University Passport Bronze Award

On Wednesday, during assembly, Ben got a certificate and badge for completing 30 hours of activities outside of school. It was for the Children’s University initiative to try and get children doing stuff outside of school. Ben had been taking it to football training and other clubs (out of hours school clubs) and getting it […]

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Man of the Match at Football

Last Friday, Ben was awarded the Man of the Match trophy by their coach Jordi. He was very pleased about it and took it in to school on Wednesday to have it presented to him during the morning assembly.

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Last Balanceability Lesson and 1st Cycle At Mount Batten

For 6 weeks, we had paid money for Ben to go to ‘Balanceability’ lessons at school.  These lessons were to help him to ride a bike, and were within school time. Before he started these lessons, he couldn’t ride his bike, or even balance on it.  He also even struggled to sit on it! We […]

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