Certificate Assembly
Here is a pic of Ben getting his certificates at assembly in school for a Cross Country event and his School Values afternoon at the Life Centre. 😉

Here is a pic of Ben getting his certificates at assembly in school for a Cross Country event and his School Values afternoon at the Life Centre. 😉
This morning, Ben was awarded his Stage 6 swimming certificate, a reading certificate and a Values award for being caring to other pupils at the school. The headmaster, Mr Hancock, gave him his certificates and said that we would need to get a new fridge, what with all the certificates he was getting! haha
This week, Ben reached enough merits for another Headteachers Merit Certificate. I have lost count how many this is now but must be his 4th or 5th! It shows how well he is doing so long may it continue! We went to see him get it on Wednesday during assembly.
The week after his Netball tournament, Ben had his certificates given to him during assembly. Kelly and I both went to see as he also had his swimming certificate presented to him. Here are some pics.
This morning in assembly, Ben received his Man Of The Match trophy from last Thursday, and also another Silver Merit Award. I think this must be his 4th Silver Merit Award so he is doing very well. The deputy head teacher, Mrs Conday, congratulated him on his efforts and told him to keep up the […]