All The Boys
Here is a nice picture of the boys from June 2014.

Well, the time has come when our 1st born has reached the age where he is starting Primary School. No idea where that time has gone!! He is starting at Bickleigh Down CofE Primary School tomorrow and has to be there by 8:35am, but is only doing a half day for the first week so […]
Ben usually has night terrors a few times a week which means he usually wakes up crying his eyes out and not knowing why. He is still usually half asleep as well and it takes forever to calm him down and put him back to bed. But a couple of weeks ago, instead of waking […]
On 25th April we had some new bunk beds delivered and put together for the boys. It was because Ben was getting quite big for his Thomas bed and bunk beds took up less space in the bedroom. The delivery guy put them together as well, so saved us a job, and we are very […]
Here are the boys dancing to ‘Gentleman’ and ‘Gangnam Style’ by Psy. 😉