New Photographs

Here are some new photographs of Ben from the first few months of 2012.  

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1st Time Riding A Pony

Whilst we were on holiday in Weymouth, we visited Abbotsbury Animal Park where Ben had a ride on a Pony for the first time. We didn’t think he would want to do it but he surprised us all by asking for the ride and then enjoying so much he wanted to go around again! 😉 […]

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Potty Trained

Ben is now potty trained and is doing very well. We started this at the beginning of August and within two weeks he didn’t need a nappy any more, even at night!  We are very proud of him of course! He is even standing up to go for a wee now which is great. He […]

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Ben’s 2nd Birthday

It was Ben’s 2nd birthday a couple of weeks ago now…where have the 2 years gone!?! Instead of having everyone over on the same day as we did last year, we spread it out a bit over a few days. The night before his birthday we went over to his Grandma’s house where we had […]

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Ben and Mummy's Toothbrush

Last weekend I was upstairs tidying up with Ben when he disappeared for a few minutes. It was all very quiet so I called out for him. I heard a little voice call back to me and it sounded like he was in the bathroom. So I wandered into the bathroom to find Ben casually […]

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