The Dummy Has Gone!

This week marked the first week where Ben has gone to bed at night time without his dummy. It was actually him that said no on the first night when asked if he wanted it, so we were quite surprised but relieved as we have been thinking about getting rid of his dummies for a […]

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November Update

Well, Ben is growing up quickly now! His speech has come on leaps and bounds over the past few weeks.  He can now say ‘Daddy’ correctly but still calls me ‘Simon’ and ‘Si’ occasionally when he want to be cheeky!  I must admit I do miss it when he couldn’t say ‘Daddy’ properly and said […]

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Locking Mummy Out Of The House!

Last week I went to work as normal and got a phone call from a strange number which I answered to find Kelly on the other end.  She was using next door’s phone as Ben had locked her out of the house!!! She had gone out to feed the cats and Ben went up behind […]

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Ben’s 2nd Birthday

It was Ben’s 2nd birthday a couple of weeks ago now…where have the 2 years gone!?! Instead of having everyone over on the same day as we did last year, we spread it out a bit over a few days. The night before his birthday we went over to his Grandma’s house where we had […]

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Ben and Mummy's Toothbrush

Last weekend I was upstairs tidying up with Ben when he disappeared for a few minutes. It was all very quiet so I called out for him. I heard a little voice call back to me and it sounded like he was in the bathroom. So I wandered into the bathroom to find Ben casually […]

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