First Proper Trip to the Beach

During the recent hot weather we took Ben to the beach for the first time (apart from brief visits earlier in the year).  We went to Bantham Bay which is the usual place we go and it turned out to be a lovely and hot day, after initial reservations and a brief, very light shower. […]

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1st Father's Day

Here is a picture of Ben sat next to my first ever set of Father’s Day presents.  How clever he is to have bought them and wrapped them up for me!  🙂  He gave me a bar of Toblerone (yum), a Fab Daddy Mug and Coaster, and the Everton Season Review DVD for 08/09, which […]

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Clapping, Crawling, Standing Up and Shouting

Ben is so noisy at the moment.  He is always shouting or making a whining noise!  Usually he does this when he is hungry or wants to try and stand up, but also first thing in the morning when he first wakes up.  He can’t stand up on his own yet but he can stand […]

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Ben's Weight

Ben had his latest checkup on 11th June, and all is well.  He was weighed and he is now 20 pounds 1 oz, so he is getting bigger.  Apparently the health checker said that it made him bang on average for his age, but when Kelly got home, she checked this and found the health […]

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Ben's 1st Christmas

We can’t believe it was his 1st Christmas already! The time has flown since he was born and he has grown so much. As he was only 2 1/2 months old over Christmas he still wasn’t very aware of what was going on, even though he had the most presents. The day did seems to […]

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