Teething Already!

Well…it seems that Ben wasn’t suffering from Colic at all, but he is actually teething already!  This is a bit of a shock as babies don’t usually start to teeth until at least 3 months, although it isn’t unheard of. Kelly found this out yesterday when she went to visit the health visitor with him.  […]

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Ben is 1 Month Old!

How??  I really don’t know….the time has gone so fast! He has grown so much in his first month of life its unbelievable.  He is longer for his weight, so he is going to be a big boy when he is older, and the size of his feet…..they are quite big already!  He has already […]

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Baby Ben

Finally, the baby was born at 19:09 on Wednesday 1st October, and it was a little boy.  He weighed in at 7lb 4oz, has dark hair and blue eyes, and arrived sucking his thumb! 😉  The only problem with that was that it caused some problems with Kelly, who lost a lot of blood and […]

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