5 Awards at Assembly

The first assembly after half term, Ben ended up getting 5 awards or certificates, which confused Mr Hancock the Headmaster as he had to keep calling Ben up to get them! 😉 It was funny to watch. Ben received his bronze merit award, his next University challenge award, the medal for the Half Marathon schools […]

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Bronze Merit Award

Last month, Ben got his bronze merit award for the 4th time! He is doing very well and clocking the merit awards 4 times is amazing! 😉 Well done, Ben! Keep it up!

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Merit Awards

Since the start of term, Ben has managed to get his Silver and Gold merit awards.  I think this is the 3rd or 4th time he has got them now, as when they reach the highest, which is the Headmaster’s Award, they start again from Bronze and work their way back up. Well done Ben!

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3rd Bronze Merit Award

Last week, Ben got his 3rd bronze merit award which means he is on his way through the merit system for the 3rd time now! This shows how well he is doing at school! 😉 Unfortunately, it was only me that went to see him get his award due to Aaron and Coby being ill […]

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2nd Bronze Merit Award

Today, we went to see Ben get his bronze merit award, as he had reached 10 merits. He had already received all the merit awards he could (40), so the school reset him back to 0, so he could try and get them all again. It hasn’t taken him very long to get to 10 […]

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