Bike Club

Ben has joined another club outside of School now, called Bike Club. It does exactly what the name suggests and is a Cycling club, whereby he has 5 sessions in the school grounds to help him get better at cycling. He has to take his bike and helmet for each session and they practice different manoeuvres. […]

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Last Balanceability Lesson and 1st Cycle At Mount Batten

For 6 weeks, we had paid money for Ben to go to ‘Balanceability’ lessons at school.  These lessons were to help him to ride a bike, and were within school time. Before he started these lessons, he couldn’t ride his bike, or even balance on it.  He also even struggled to sit on it! We […]

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Learning To Ride Bike

Last Summer we bought Ben his first proper bike. It was a little too big for him so he struggled to use it to learn to ride, but we did take it up to Dartmoor one evening when we had a BBQ picnic, and gave him a go on it. The lessons didn’t go very […]

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