Family Pics

Here are some nice family pics of Ben from the Summer.

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New Photographs

Here are some new photographs of Ben from the first few months of 2012.  

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Ben's Weight

Ben had his latest checkup on 11th June, and all is well.  He was weighed and he is now 20 pounds 1 oz, so he is getting bigger.  Apparently the health checker said that it made him bang on average for his age, but when Kelly got home, she checked this and found the health […]

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Postbridge in the Snow

Also last Friday, we decided to go up to Dartmoor and seek out any remains of the snow that was around from the previous week.  We were amazed that there was so much left, especially at Postbridge, which is a fare way into the Moor.  We had a walk around in it as this was […]

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Kelly's Belly

We thought it may be interesting to keep track of the size of Kelly’s bump throughout the pregnancy. We measured it last night and it is 40 inches big! Blimey! It will still get bigger though so we will keep track of it here.

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