Week 37 Mid-Wife Check
Not to much to write here, apart from everything is still ok and the baby is still in perfect position for birth. That’s about it really! 😉 3 weeks to go!

Not to much to write here, apart from everything is still ok and the baby is still in perfect position for birth. That’s about it really! 😉 3 weeks to go!
Hi all, Last week we visited the mid-wife again for Kelly’s 29 week check up. Am glad to report that everything was fine, no problems at all. A trainee mid-wife checked Kelly over instead of the usual mid-wife, but she was very good as well. Kelly had her blood taken as well this time, just […]
Kelly and I went for the 25 week check-up with the mid-wife last Tuesday (10th June) and everything turned out ok. The mid-wife, and a trainee, felt the bump to check everything and listened to the babies heart beat, which was very strong. Nothing else to report about this, although we have to go back […]
We had our latest appointment with the mid-wife last Tuesday afternoon, and she reported that everything was fine. She even used some equipment to listen to the baby’s heartbeat, which was very strong and very loud. Just need to get around to recording it and putting up on this babyblog.