Certificate Assembly
Here is a pic of Ben getting his certificates at assembly in school for a Cross Country event and his School Values afternoon at the Life Centre. 😉

Here is a pic of Ben getting his certificates at assembly in school for a Cross Country event and his School Values afternoon at the Life Centre. 😉
Ben got presented with his Stage 7 swimming certificate and another silver merit award in assembly.
Yesterday Ben was presented with his swimming certificate by the headteacher.
This morning in assembly, Ben received his Man Of The Match trophy from last Thursday, and also another Silver Merit Award. I think this must be his 4th Silver Merit Award so he is doing very well. The deputy head teacher, Mrs Conday, congratulated him on his efforts and told him to keep up the […]
At school, Ben has been learning how to sign a song and today was the assembly where the year group signed a song, as today is deaf awareness day. It was really good and Ben did really well with the sing language. He also had to read some information out so please see below for […]