School Clubs

This term, Ben has been carrying on with Netball Club on a Wednesday, Running Club on a Friday (as he has entered the School’s Challenge Half Marathon which he competed in last year) and also a new club which is Film Club on a Thursday. He is getting on very well with Netball and Running […]

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School Clubs For This Term

This term, Ben has signed up for several during and after school clubs. On a Monday, he has Singing Club during lunchtime and then then Sign Language Club after school. Aaron goes to this one as well and for the first lesson, Ben ended up teaching some of it as he new the vowels! He […]

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Games and Art Club

Before the half term holiday, Ben joined a couple of clubs at school. The first was Games club (board games) during Monday lunch breaks and the other was Art club which was after school on a Thursday until 4pm. I think he missed the games club on a Monday for a few weeks as it […]

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