Bronze Merit Certificate
Last week, Ben got another Bronze Merit certificate at school, which means he is doing very well as he has lapped the merit awards several times now! Keep it up!

Last week, Ben got another Bronze Merit certificate at school, which means he is doing very well as he has lapped the merit awards several times now! Keep it up!
Ben had a great Sports Day and did really well, especially in the cross country event where he came 4th! This was his best attempt at cross country and shows that he is getting fitter due to all the swimming and football that he is doing! He also played well in the football during the […]
This morning, Ben was awarded his Stage 6 swimming certificate, a reading certificate and a Values award for being caring to other pupils at the school. The headmaster, Mr Hancock, gave him his certificates and said that we would need to get a new fridge, what with all the certificates he was getting! haha
A couple of weeks ago, Ben had another school trip. This time it was to Morwellham Quay. He said that he had good fun there and had to dress up as a Victorian person at one point! He also said that he just about liked the underground train ride through the mines, though he was […]
During the first week in April, Ben took part in Bikeability in school and very much enjoyed it. The school had an external company come in to help teach the children how to ride their bikes on the roads safely. So they were out and about on the roads of Woolwell for a week during […]