Parents Evening

Ben had parents evening before the Easter holidays started and we saw his Maths and English teacher, Mr Stein. He said he was very happy with Ben and that he is doing well and in his last Maths test he got 39 / 50 which is apparently very good as they hadn’t even learnt some […]

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Netball and Swimming Certificates In Assembly

The week after his Netball tournament, Ben had his certificates given to him during assembly. Kelly and I both went to see as he also had his swimming certificate presented to him. Here are some pics.

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School Trip To Paignton Zoo

The week after the Netball tournament, Ben had a school trip to Paignton Zoo. Kelly also helped with the trip so went with the children and the teachers on the coach to the Zoo. Ben had a really fun, but educational, day and saw a lot of the animals there. The weather was OK as […]

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Plymouth School’s Netball Tournament

The second week back from the Christmas holidays, Ben was picked in the school Netball team (as he goes to Netball club on a Wednesday after school).  They had so many people want to play that they have an A team and a B team. Ben was in the B team with most of the […]

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Carol Service

Last night was the KS2 Carol Service at School. Ben was sat right at the back in the middle so we were unable to see him very well unfortunately. The carol service was fine and Ben’s class had to sing one song on their own and then several others with the other classes in KS2 […]

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