Drawing Club

Last half term, Ben took part in drawing club and he seemed to enjoy it. From what we can gather, the topic for most of the term was Star Wars, so during the club time, Ben and the others were being taught how to draw pictures of Star Wars characters and places, such as Darth […]

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Parents Evening

Parents evening went well a few weeks ago, before the Easter hols. Ben’s teacher praised him quite a lot and said he was a lovely young man. He is doing well in everything, but more so in English than in Maths. She was very happy with what he has accomplished so far this year, so […]

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Talent For Writing Certificate

At the end of last week, Ben came home with a certificate and a letter to say that a poem he wrote at school has been chosen for a ‘Talent for Writing’ award which means that his poem will be published. Well done, Ben! We have to fill in an official form for copyright as […]

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Ancient Greek Day At School

Today is the year 4 Ancient Greek day, where all the children have to dress up in an Ancient Greek costume. Ben dressed up as a warrior (see below) and looked very good! Typically the weather is freezing so he had to put some under garments on (hahahaha) to keep him warm and he had […]

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Year 4 Ready Reader Certificate

Last week, we went into assembly to see Ben get an accelerated reader certificate. This shows that he is doing very well with reading at school and the certificate is to reward them at certain levels. He was very pleased to receive it. 😉

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