5th and 6th Teeth Out

Yesterday, Ben lost his next two teeth! The first one had been wobbly for a while and came out at school, but the other one loosened really quickly and came out during his tea last night! His two top front teeth haven’t grown back yet so he is now getting a mouth full of empty […]

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4th Tooth Out

Ben’s final front tooth came out this morning on the way to School. It had been loose for the past few days, to such an extent that we were actually worried it would fall out in his sleep and that he would swallow it! Luckily, that didn’t happen and it fell out whilst he was […]

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Dental Check

The latest dental check up went fine for Ben. He was happy to sit down in the chair and opened his mouth properly and the dentist was very happy with the state of his teeth. Phew!

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1st Tooth Fallen Out

Last week, Ben’s first milk tooth finally fell out! It apparently fell out whilst eating an Apple at School. He put it under his pillow the next night and got £2 from the Tooth Fairy, so he was very chuffed!

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Wobbly Teeth – Finally!

A couple of weeks ago, Ben finally noticed that he has a couple of wobbly teeth! They are the two at the front at the bottom.  One is more wobbly than the other though!  During the day he noticed this, he ate 3 apples to try and get to the tooth out! hahaha It didn’t […]

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