Ben the Big Brother

Ben became a big brother on the 4th May when his little brother Aaron was born.  When it was time for Aaron to come home from the hospital, Ben wanted to come as well as he was very excited.  He had been looking forward to the baby coming for a long time!  He was very […]

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Locking Mummy Out Of The House!

Last week I went to work as normal and got a phone call from a strange number which I answered to find Kelly on the other end.  She was using next door’s phone as Ben had locked her out of the house!!! She had gone out to feed the cats and Ben went up behind […]

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Ben’s 2nd Birthday

It was Ben’s 2nd birthday a couple of weeks ago now…where have the 2 years gone!?! Instead of having everyone over on the same day as we did last year, we spread it out a bit over a few days. The night before his birthday we went over to his Grandma’s house where we had […]

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The Toddle

Ben did his toddle on the 9th July around the rugby field in Woolwell.  He was dressed as a Pirate and looked really good.  He made it around the field but needed to be carried most of the way by Mummy, but he soon got down when it was time to look through the treasure […]

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An Update About Ben

Just thought I would put an update on here about what Ben has been up to recently, and how much he is growing! 😉 Ben now has 9 teeth in all, with 1 being one of the big ones at the back. We had a few bad nights where he wasn’t sleeping properly, and we […]

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