5th Birthday

Ben’s 5th birthday was a bit different to his previous ones as this was the first birthday when he was at school for the day. Usually, I would have taken a half day and we would have gone somewhere such as bowling but this year we didn’t do anything apart from allowed Ben to choose what takeaway we had for tea (he chose Indian of course!). Ben also had to wait until after school before he could open his presents (I still had the afternoon off work), although we allowed him to open one before school. He had a huge pile of presents including some new clothes, games such as Hungry Hippoes, a Spiderman puzzle, money, a new Scooter and some other toys. Kelly made him an amazing Mario Kart cake with working Mario Kart figures on it, which he (and Aaron) loved, and also some buns to take in to school. Ben had a lovely afternoon and evening and went to bed tired out after a very busy day!

Thank you to everyone who gave him presents and cards!

Here are some photographs on his 5th birthday.

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