Halloween Parties

The Saturday before Halloween, we all went to the local Halloween Party at the Woolwell Centre for the second year running. It was good fun again and the boys (and Mummy) both dressed up although Aaron did his best not to dress up! We met a couple of Kelly’s friends up there who have children that the boys know so they all played together in the room with the bouncy castle and colouring books, etc. They had a great time and Ben, like last year, was sweating buckets each time he came back to the table for a drink! Here are some pictures of the party.

The following Thursday (on Halloween), we held a little tea party for Ben’s friend (and family) from when he was at pre-school (and who just live down the road), so they came over and had a play and some party food. Kelly had made some Halloween buns as well which were great, and we put a few decorations up for the occasion. We then all went out trick or treating and the boys dressed up in their costumes and got loads and loads of sweets! I can’t tell you how many sweets they had, but their buckets were brimming over with them! The boys had great fun and had to dive into their sweets as soon as we got home! Lucky the weather was dry this year for when we were out and about.

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