Sports Day

Last week, Ben finally had his Sports Day. It was rained off the first day and then the second date that the school had pencilled in ended up clashing with the year 6 induction day’s at their secondary schools! Good planning by the school. Not! So it finally went ahead a week and half later and even then the start had to be delayed due to a heavy rain shower.

As Ben is in KS2 now, he had a whole day of activities although he didn’t take part in all of them due to the shear number of children in KS2. We had a rough idea of what he was going to participate in but weren’t really sure until we turned up and followed him around. Due to the delay in starting, it seemed that all the teachers were confused and didn’t know what was going on where and at what time, so we basically had to find out for ourselves. Eventually, we found Ben in the playground as he was taking part in the Netball, as there were too many people wanting to do Football. Bit of a shame really but he did very well playing Netball, although he wasn’t playing for the entirety of the games as they had to rotate as they still had too many people down to play. He did well though and tried his best! 😉

Once this had been completed, it was time for the Cross Country race with the course starting on the field and then going around the front end of the school before going to the back playground and around and then back to the field to do two more laps. Ben hadn’t really shown too much interest in this before but he was excellent and had a brilliant race. He ended up coming 8th out of about 64 children which was really impressive and made both Kelly and I feel very proud! Even his friend who won said how well Ben had done. 😉

After this event, it was lunch time so we went home and had some food before going back up in the afternoon for the individual sports. There were lots going on but Ben only took part in the standing jump, torpedo throw and the relay. He did do very well in all of them though.  We then had to wait around whilst all the running races took place before the headmaster announced the winners, who ended up being Lynher, which is Ben’s group! So they won both KS1 and KS2 sports day’s this year!

Ben was a bit tired out after but couldn’t rest as we had to dash off to swimming straight after school, but he had a good and fun day and did very well in all the events he took part in, especially the Cross Country race! Well done, Ben! X

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